Uniquely Freckled


I am currently booking for the fall season and spring seasons. Feel free to contact me for availability and more information.

2012 senior grad? I am l now accepting 5 standout students interested in becoming an in-FOCUS representative. If you are a 2012 senior, confident and involved in the community or your school, and have parents permission, contact me for more information on how to receive discounts on your photo experience!

What to expect

This is your opportunity to let your personality shine and your photo session is about capturing you at your best.
Zits, bug bites, small scratches, even smudged make up... don't sweat it! Blemishes are nothing to fret over; retouching is offered at no additional charge to ensure you look your best.

Style Guide

Bring multiple outfits, a mix of formal and casual that you are comfortable and confident in and that express your unique qualities; however, some clothes photograph better than others. Patterns and words have the tendency to be distracting.  This is not to say do not bring them or they produce poor photos, but bring a variety of clothes to choose from. Solids generally photograph better. Also, feel free to bring in outfits related to any activities or sports you are involved with. Most people will bring a few casual outfits, a uniform from an extracurricular activity or sport, and a dressier outfit - but again, everyone is different – this is your time to shine.

There is no such thing as too many outfits. If you simply cannot decide, bring a couple extra outfits to your
photo session and I can make suggestions as to which outfits will produce the best photos.

·      Reminder: Be sure to iron clothes prior to portrait session and bring a lint remover

·      Spice it up! Bring matching socks, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories to coordinate with your garments.

Bring your own props. Uniquely Freckles Photography does not personally own props because they detract from capturing the true personalities of our clients; however, you are more than welcome (and encouraged) to bring your own.

·      Consider bringing along paraphernalia that represents  your interests:  trophies, sports equipment, letter jackets, uniforms, instruments, collections, stuffed animals, childhood mementos, favorite flower or rose petals, hats, artwork, and any other personal, meaningful item that relates to your interests!

·      Cars, pets, and additional people are always welcome to join your portrait experience, but please notify me to accommodate location selection and availability.

·      Bring a buddy! Bring along your biggest fan(s) – parents, friends, and significant others. Having them around may help you feel at ease and can help check your hair, pose, and with props and pets. Plus, they get to enjoy your portrait experience with you, and it is always great to have a second opinion!

If poor weather on the day of your scheduled session prevents a location session, a re-scheduling will be arranged at no extra charge.